
Our Conservation Policy

NDSAA believes in conservation of robust fish populations and related habitats; it is committed to protecting the environment on land and at sea.

  • NDSAA members are bound to use the resource wisely on a long term sustainable basis
  • The sport must be pursued in a manner consistent with sound sporting and conservation practices in accordance with the angling rules and regulations of IGFA and/or other nationally or internationally accepted rules and regulations
  • NDSAA agrees to undertake and/or support, where relevant or necessary, scientific and economic research and studies to determine the economic and scientific impact of the sport of gamefish angling (i.e. all fish caught at sea) on the economy, environment and reserves of fish
  • NDSAA is committed to keep accurate records of fish caught at sea in conformity with national and international practices and the international rules and regulations laid down from time to time by IGFA and/or other nationally or internationally accepted rules and regulations


  • NDSAA members are bound to help their fellow members in all kinds of emergencies; be they at sea, on the beach, on the road or elsewhere
  • NDSAA members should help their fellow members in all matters pertaining to angling and the promotion and betterment of the sport
  • NDSAA members are honour bound to prevent any other member or non-member from breaking any rule, regulation, law or any part of this ethical code or from doing anything which may bring NDSAA into disrepute

Environmental Police

  1. Every Affiliate member and club shall accept and uphold the Environmental Policy below :
  2. NDSAA is committed to stewardship of the resource on which it impacts;
  3. NDSAA believes in sustainable utilisation of the resource and the maintenance of robust fish populations and related habitats;
  4. NDSAA is committed to actively support research into the resource and to support the findings and regulations emanating from it;
  5. NDSAA believes in and abides by a code of ethics;
  6. NDSAA abides by the law, will proceed through proper channels to amend offending legislation and is prepared to discipline its members who do not comply;
  7. NDSAA pledges its collective expertise to the betterment of the marine ecosystem, its control and the laws pertaining to it;
  8. NDSAA undertakes to stay abreast of current resource management techniques and ensure that all its members are well informed;
  9. NDSAA is committed to protect the environment in which it operates, both on land and at sea;
  10. NDSAA recognises the right of access of others to the resource, provided that they have the same responsible attitude towards it