Let's go
The Natal Deep Sea Angling Association functions as the autonomous governing body of the sport of amateur gamefish angling in the Province of KwaZulu Natal.
Promote & Control
Foster the Sport of Angling
In conformity with the national and international practices and the international rules and regulations laid down from time to time by IGFA and/or other internationally accepted rules and regulations as may be directed by the NDSAA Council
To keep
Accurate Records of Angling
To maintain a record of catches and results of anglers who compete in Provincial and Interzonial Tournaments. To select anglers to represent the Province of Natal or the Association in National and other angling tournaments.
To approve
Open Competitions
To maintain a record of catches and results of anglers who compete in Provincial and Interzonial Tournaments. To select anglers to represent the Province of Natal or the Association in National and other angling tournaments.

What we do
The Natal Deep Sea Angling Association functions as the autonomous governing body of the sport of amateur angling in the Province of KwaZulu Natal.
The Association is founded on the following beliefs and principles:
- Gamefish and Bottomfish are any defined species of marine fish held in high esteem and sought-after because of their fighting and sporting characteristics when caught on rod and reel from a craft at sea;
- These species, their related food fish and their respective habitats are economic, social, recreational and aesthetic assets which must be maintained, wisely used and perpetuated;
- The sport of angling is an important recreational and social activity which must be encouraged and promoted and that the public must be educated to pursue it in a manner consistent with sound sporting and conservational practices in accordance with the angling rules and regulations of the International Game Fish Association (IGFA);
- Competitive Angling is a deliberate and intentional act of angling for gamefish in accordance with internationally accepted ethics, rules and regulations according to the most sporting methods and in the spirit of gamefish angling;
- The spirit of the sport of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct, strength and behaviour of the fish in such a way that the fish stands a reasonable chance for its life;

To promote competence in the handling of craft, including the laying down of a set of rules to govern the operation of craft and all requirements of safety according to law, which members of the Association shall be obliged to observe
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To be and to function as the autonomous governing body of the sport of amateur angling from craft at sea in the Province of Natal.
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Events and Activities
To organise inter-provincial, inter-association and inter-zonal angling contests at venues stipulated by the Association from time to time.
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