As for fishing side, I have never really fished competitively or nominated for any inter clubs. I mainly just fished recreationally with friends for something for the braai or to fry. I am one of those who only takes what we are going to eat and nothing more. I mainly prefer Game fishing, Tiger Fishing and Bass Fishing.
I am more of a helper, and find it difficult to say no to people when asked to help, especially if it is something I am good in. This often lands me in hot water at home as my wife always tells people, she has to make an appointment with me, if she needs my help or attention.
I am currently a member of Park Rynie SBC, Pennington SBC and Warnadoone SBC.
I enjoy being area representative and helping clubs where I can. I enjoy they safety side of our association and prefer to focus my attention there as this is something I am good at and enjoy helping other clubs with planning for events and making all necessary applications to relevant Authorities for approvals.
My Vision is to see the Juniors fish for their clubs and provinces. Help them get more support and development, so they stay in the sport and keep our clubs going and supported.
I also enjoy seeing our ladies angling and achieving their colours.
My Vision for NDSAA is to grow and give every junior or club member the opportunity to fish competitively.
There are many club members who do not fish competitively, because they can’t afford the entry fees and their clubs can’t pay it either, or only pays a portion of the fees. If we can level the playing field for every angler, we will definitely see more champions come through the ranks.